Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Christianity, Judaism and Islam and may be Chinese now…!!

Perhaps one of the most sensitive issues in Global Scenario is presently is Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. In 19th century Britishers dominated Middle East.  Presently ,  US influence for control over the region’s vast reserves of oil in which the whole European and American economy depends has been prominent. Hence, the state of Israel has been supported by the west majorly due to their own interests in oil and to ensure an ally in that region. That is why US has been supplying military aid to Turkey and Egypt ( The well established Jewish community in US has a great influence in US foreign policy. I believe Zionism in US is more fierce than that in Israel. After being terribly suffered dring WWII, , any criticism of Israeli policies towards the Palestinian people and other Arabs, lends well to an automatic, unfavorable label of anti-Semetic. In  2005, when Israel unilaterally withdrew from the narrow coastal territory, then-Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon promised it would make Israel safer. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice hailed the move as "historic." Israel had left behind a political vacuum, however. That, along with decisions by Israel, the U.S. and Palestinian rivals inadvertently boosted the militant Islamic group Hamas into power. Hamas is stronger than ever, and Israel's air strikes risk bolstering it further, according to current and former U.S. officials, diplomats and analysts.

According to Scot F. Stine  , the best possible solution to end this conflict is that Israel and the Palestinians heading toward a one-state solution or a bi-national state. Both solutions would prohibit Israel from realizing its dream of normalization and prohibit the achievement of a sustainable level of security. For the Palestinians, either solution spells their further subjugation or expulsion from the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Right or wrong, the United States suffers guilt by association with Israel due to its strong economic and military support for Israel. Thus, it is imperative to the achievement of US interests in the Middle East that the United States takes the lead in building an international coalition capable of imposing an immediate resolution to the problem. The only solution capable of satisfying the best interests of all parties concerned is a two-state solution. The previous step-by-step approaches to peace have failed and the immediate recognition of the state of Palestine is imperative to future stability in the region. You will be  able to read the full thesis at

Bill Gerthz’s writing in the Washington Times,said that China is supplying large quantities of weapons to both Iraq and Afghanistan, through Iran. Some arms were sent by aircraft directly from Chinese factories to Afghanistan and included large-caliber sniper rifles, millions of rounds of ammunition, rocket-propelled grenades and components for roadside bombs, as well as other small arms. Now, it is definitely probable that Hamas and other millitant groups of Palestine may have or will definitely have access to Chinese Weaponary in near future. How it this development shape the Israel-Palestine conflict if it occurs is definitely the question of future. If the Chinese enter this conflict actively or passively how will it change the ways of peace process in Gaza?? 

US to China

There are very few communist countries now. Russia is not looking to expand communism throughout the globe anymore and China is so knee-deep into capitalism that their people are more worried about getting flat screened TV’s vs fighting a neighbour for land. The Panama Canal is in the Chinese hands de facto. USA is still not finished with the choke it has with Iraq and Afghanistan and a fantasy war with Iran. China after leading in Olympics organised in its own soil is now in everybody’s eye central. USA is being weak, retreating from it own principle of freedom and stepping everyone foot all over the world trying to extablish world hegemony and the on-going financial recession is ruining it. What we hear from CNN or other channels, are just privatized US propaganda. The things that US has over China are stealth technology, a blue water navy, more tanks and aircraft, if not men and strong allies. Most of the world is still feel China is unreliable. In case of war anywhere in the world these two titans are sure to wrestle, in future. But who is going to come victorious is still a puzzle. There were 1.3 BILLION people in China in 2006. 450 MILLION were men between the ages of 15 and 64 years old. In 2003, there were a estimated 300 MILLION Americans. Put it another way...there were 50% more men in China between 15 and 64 years of age than there were total people in the US. Yet again, knowing that there was a estimated 90 million men in the US for 2007, it can be said that there were 5 times more men in China than in the US capable of fighting. China has no reason to fight the USA, but the USA has a reason to fight China. The US is by far the largest consumer of Chinese goods, and the largest provider of food to china. The US being removed from the equation means the booming economy of China fails, and you would also see mass starvation, and quite possibly an incredible upswing in government brutality and aggression towards its neighbors to meet its needs for resources. The population of china is divided between the urban and rural. The rural Chinese historically are the ones to revolt, and in the event of a large scale war would be the most called upon for military service (kind of like the Ukrainians were cannon fodder for the soviet union). The rural Chinese would see that they are growing the food, doing the fighting, and are still being left behind by the government and would rise up again as they have before. If it ever did come to a military conflict between the US and china and stayed conventional (nuclear is a no-win situation for all involved), the Americans have the upper hand. Look at our casualties vs other soviet equipped countries (Iraq). Granted the Chinese do have higher end equipment than the iraqis, but it still wouldn't be enough to make up for the vast technological advantages of the US. Plus in a war against a truly powerful nation like china, you'd see all the secret weaponry come out that the US has. 500 billion dollar a year budget has to buy some pretty cool toys. If the economy keeps developing in the same fashion as it is doing now, in 50 years, China will possibly be one of the financial strongest nations in the world. It has an immense economic growth, due to the large amount of money invested by foreign companies. Many companies are moving into China due to the production-costs being quite low. So I suppose China certainly could pose a risk to the USA current role in the world. 

Sunday, January 25, 2009

How many of these apply to you??


U can literally ask whether someone would like to "EAT WATER"!! (eg. Paani Khane??)..or Booze!!! (Raksi khane??)...or even a KICK..(Laat khanu manparyo??)

U know what "ALOO DUM" is, and u have definitely tasted it!!

And u would rather stand outside in the cold and relish Aloo dum (which btw u think is d best potato delicacy in d universe) than to go in an air conditioned MacD's rite across d street and have burger n fries.

3 out of your 5 friends can play guitar... the remaining two have also given it a try at some point or the other.

The moment you're a floor over the Ground Floor preferably a balcony, you tend to look down and SPIT

You look up when you hear an airplane.

You point with your lips.

Whenever you meet someone you ask, "Have you had your food?" (bhat khayou?)

You meet someone in a movie hall and ask, "Have you come to watch a movie?" (movie hernu ayeko?)

You miss churpi and tituara almost any given day.

You are good at drunk driving, especially on motorcycles...

Your conversation with anyone you just met, always ends up being an interview to unearth the degree of association with this person. (eh...Ghar ka hare?? gangtok? Tyeso bhaye timile xyz lai chinchhau??)

90% of the time you end up knowing someone who knows someone who knows the person.

The remaining 10% of the time the person is your relative. 

Your American friends ask you if you have climbed mount Everest.

You probably haven't even seen mount Everest. 

You love the pungent, fermented smell of pickled bamboo shoots (tama) and dried and aged vegetable leaves (gundruk) + you are drooling at the thought right now.

· U greet your friends saying... "Yess bro!!" even though there seems to be no logical or grammatical justification to the phrase.

U try to look elsewhere when u see a pretty female heading your way

courtesy( Nivesh Shrestha)

unknown thing

Rushin from the deserts of our hearts
through the mind till the end
still finding each other.. 
Across the barbs human indifferences...
The transcendence of suffering has reality
The feelings gets hold of one..
A grip so hard to break
The feeling if ignored doesn't let one be himself
Being in love with someone else than oneself
It continues on unfaltering into forever,
Carrying the lucky beneath its tattered wings. 
If unlucky gives much pain, sharp, cutting pain 
feeling unlike any others 
this pain comes with memories like daggers and knives and spears 
But Still we say
"Love is for the broken, the scarred, the tired, the weak 
It is only through suffering that one can truly understand beauty 
That is why art is love,
Why literature becomes a mistress 
Why an artist can never be tamed 
Nor owned at all.
An artist is the property of
Both heaven and hell – Not even owned by themselves."
I don't belive in luck 
What is love anywayz??

Not my last exam

Fluttering pages, glancing texts and notes
With faintest hope of catching something left
No sleep for me, nor can I lounge
Morning comes with heavy head
Reluctantly entering the hall with time
The point being as far as I can see,
To clear the paper, once and for all.
Never will this day come again i feel
Never again shall I glance
At the despised pages of baffling intent,
Slipping precious hours and scratching of pen
I exhaust my knowledge on paper wid every depressing second
Floating invigilators and seekers of cheats
Bell rings with sigh of relief
It is over! Done with! At last!
For life and for the last time;
But wrong I was , wasn't I..
Now time to earn, make family
Sooner or later everyone will be
tyo boss ko gali, profit and loss..
ghar ko tension, responsibility of nation..
Tyo sunyatako abhash....
Time to implement wat you learnt....time to perform
Life is a test and we get graded on our performance
You may not desire A+ but your surroundings will demand from u
And we do get graded 
Not by some absolute standard 
or within some bell curve; 
But against ourselves— 
How well we used what we had......
Now i feel, if there were only written tests..
Only if life took no suprise tests..
Only if test schedule was published in advance
so that I can prepare myself...
But life is rude...


When we were younger, we were like clones...
Child-that's beautiful, Unspoiled innocence
Before i grew up, into a fractured (shell)...
Mislead by illusive blanket of self hate - self fabricated
Media influence, peer pressure for perfection, and a cult of gllossy,
paper cut out, models
Stick figurines posing as supernatural beings 
And gods in the eyes of children,
Time fills insecurity in us..
sometimes it breaks down completely inside
I m sorry I can't be perfect..
Nothing last forever..
Didn't I grow up according to plan?
Feri tyo din, feri tyo raat
feri same struggle with oneself on a bheegi barshat
I know at it's worst i will 
be mocked, never praised
be shoved , never helped
be ashamed , never adored...
still i feel lost and forgotten...
inside an ocean of sufferings and struggling my way out into the mountain
so gigantic and warm sun kissing as if a perennnial river 
its bed and deposits of lyf making a fusss... 
where did my mud lost and breaths shortened,
i would be an imposter tring to fly out- fly out by wounded wings... trying to cut my roots
oh my gosh ! its all me, all along, and all the way i never cried that feasty feast...
and evaporated water of the sea, -all again flies the water and twigs again to touch its branch...
decayed and rusted-rotten-bones, - i endeavour hard but what to avail,
and fate ordained i must succumb to death and me a lost soul---reachin out unmeasured heights
But sometimes I realize imperfection is the symptom of being alive
Imperfections make us beautiful,
My inner beauty may be ugly to the rest of the world,
and when that doesn’t make me cry,
that’s beautiful.
Imperfections kick our asses to touch perfection...
However painful it may be
In some other way
Without them we’d all be the same, vain,
superficial and lifeless. That’s me,
that’s the me after I let go and forgot the beauty of my imperfections. 
Life is nothing but confusion between former and latter thoughts...
Still I’m just another disposable cliché.
There’s nothing I can say that hasn’t been said before. 
I’m the adolescent with overused metaphors and over expressed expressions.
I’m not the only one,
drowning in imperfection.